Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WTF???? KPOPers~ see this...KITA BAKOR! BAKOR!~

pict source: Facebook-Redstar

What The F***! so stupid so stupid so stupid liar liar liar lie! -grrr-
article ni da membuat satu tanggapan yang salah to all kpop lovers~
apakah??? kes bunuh diri Korean artist jd issue????
and then, tergugat ke artis tempatan????? JAWAB!!!!
About the MONEY, suka hati la~~ I DON'T CARE E E E E E~~~  duit aku..aku punya suka nak beli apa2~ ade parents kteorg bising???ada aku mintak ko???? =.=
this made that kpop is all negative....WTH!!!! Just pissed off!
I had love KPOP for 11 years since i was 7..i'm okay right now~
KPOP is awesome! so what??? yg artist omputih tu, x bising lak???
and i think this issue made all the KPOPers in MALAYSIA mad right now~~
should be careful~~ 
apa-apa pun, KITA BAKOR! BAKOR!
to KPOPers out there, if you want to banned this paper..just banned it...but, don't take it too seriously~~ 

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