Monday, May 09, 2011

YAY! I got it~ ^^

Hi there! hmm~ today 9th May is the happiest day for this month~ You know what? I got all my stuff in ONE SHOT! WOW! Until i'm getting 'perli' by the postman...
Do i care?? I don't care e e e e e~ :p LOL!!!!
HAHAHAHA!!! what i know, that's all my stuff~ ^^

okay, this is my Big Bang Show's t-shirt which you can got it at UNIQLO~ thanks to kak billie who get me this shirt~ Thanks YO! OMG! How happy am i when i got this shirt..i'm just threw the post ekspress envelope and open it..kuikuikuikui..(wat malu jek)..and also receive my Kwon Jiyong's name tag! ^^ hohohohoho~~

    i really like it, since she post me the picture of our shirt :
hell yeah! i can't wait to receive it and's at my hand!!! ^^ time, i would to go by myself and bought another one BB shirt and hoodie~ (bila la kan nak g?? motipppp!!)

beside Big Bang Show's tee, i also receive my 'WELCOME BACK to B2ST  AIRLINE' which i wait for 2 month~ =.= and finally, it's has been post and and i've wore it~ LIKE3!! There's a B2ST logo at the sleeves! ^^ kekekeke~~ (muka x boleh blah ^^'')  and i also receive my Yoon Dujun's name tag!!~ ^^  
Yoseobie also have 'B2ST' logo at the sleeves~ ^^

yeah~ i don't know how to describe my feeling getting all my stuff in one shot....lagi2 brg yg tunggu lama uh~ =.=
anyway, it's satisfy me~ ^^ and it's arrive before i'm going to
KMNS~~ ^^
Okay, just that...kkekeke~~~ (cakap mcm dpt byk brg uh~)
Thanks for reading! ^^ Bye-yeom!

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