Saturday, August 06, 2011


Wow! is much a long time i didn't post here..and readers, i already FINISH my mid-sem exam!!!
OMG!! a horror for a 3 weeks i lack of sleep, eat, and, i ready to topup all them!!!
and i didn't tell you about my life at KMNS..
Yeah, i'm having fun here, and the challenge here is quite tough...
Everyday got class and a week, i almost have 5 quiz...
then, need to wake 8am and finish class at 5pm....and study in the night..
weekend, need to finish all assignment and homework, do revision..Only 'some' weekend i can be relaxing..just like today...i'm not like all my friends who taking their 'diploma' which i look, they're quite relaxing there..
it's be success, we need to sacrifice...just one year, i will patiently wait...and i want to get a good result to futher my study in MEDIC field...i hope i can do it..
i got lots friends here...and my practicum is S3AP3..
all the lecturers here is good and they never scold me just during high school...
my life here just like high school, but differ a bit..
So, i just want to stop here bcause time is not allowed...i need to back to my 'DESK'..
i'll post more PICTURE soon!!!

my beloved S3AP3:

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