Wednesday, October 12, 2011

English Camp and tour to Medical Department

Location: MSU Shah Alam

Hi-yeom! hehehehe~ Woah! what a long time i didn't post my, i would to shared bout my tour to MSU medical, it's so fun because MEDICAL is my interest...yeah, i really like when i enter my foot..i', going banana because there's a lot of human body system..them ciplak one and the original one...that's so impatient to enter University next time..must be interesting aaight?? kekekekeke~~ yeah, i would like to story with you guys..but, time is resembles me a, i'll share some pict of my tour to you! Enjoy~ ^^V

Some cute Vandalism here(MSU)..they're ZE:A's fan!!kekekekeke.. 

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