Sunday, January 01, 2012

i love you guys! My Besties....

Assalammualaikum and hi! to all readers..
okay, this entry...i would like to tell you about my 3 besties..a friend that i really trust into and a friend who really be by my side in any condition i've been through...

The twin...okay..this is JULIA ASMIDA or IDA (with the cap) and JULIA ASMIRA or IRA (with the hijab)...they're twin, in same tummy, same date be labour but not share the same placenta,ovum and sperm in one time..that's why they're not identical twin....but, they are still twin..kekekeke~ okay guys, i know them about 2005...when i was standard 6...we are in the same class...but, we didn't be so close at that time because we just know each other...when i was in FORM 1, i've been destined to be in the same class with IDA..if i have befriend with IDA, i'm a friend of IRA, in class..IDA and i was seat together..during recess, we'll pick IRA up at the class and having a fun time together...i'm having fun with them...after a many months we're being friends, i'm happy with them...they're sincere to be my friend and appreciate me.. after a many years, even we have to separate in different class, we still be together..have a night tuition together by KAK ITA...having a crazy timeTOGETHER..PLAYING BOWL, dancing to Big Bang and Wonder Girls songs together..having a KPOP everyday with me everyday..THANKS YO! one day, this twin need to change their school at 2010..when we're in FORM 5...that's a really historical sad day in my best friend is leaving! T.T and that's tough for me to let them go...and we missed together, each other...listening to their first experience in GIRLS school, really funny...having a journey to their new house, having fun together...i really enjoy it! Thanks twin! Thanks for becoming my friend  I LOVE YOU!

Okay, this is Farhanah Kamal (HANA) the one who's craving of rambutan there...kekekeke..if you guys have read about my entry 'Al kisah si Sengkuang dan Labu', i've tell a bit bout her and i have post there how we met...and she's my best friend! she always be by my side when i was in pain, facing problems and having a fun time with! and she has a same thinking like me but i'm more childish than her...we doing a lot of unexpected things and she is crazy, i'm crazy too!! we both have a same dorky personality and thinking...when she got problem, i will trying to help her and when i having a problem, she'll help me...
even we are far away, our soul always connecting....
kan SENGKUANG??? *ayat jiwang berhabuk pulak* 
I LOVE YOU HANA!!! mmmuuaahh!!!!

as you know, friend is the second person after our family who is being by your side..who's always cherish us and the most time we're being with, appreciate them and never hurt them..once you hurt them, you will be more hurt...
only that readers...thanks for spending your time to read my blog...
Have a nice day!!! ^^V

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