Monday, January 02, 2012


here the BEAST 'BEAUTIFUL SHOW' Teasers:

BEAST 'BEAUTIFUL SHOW'의 티저영상이 공개되었습니다!

일시 : 2012. 2. 4.(토)~2012. 2. 5.(일)
장소 : 올림픽공원 체조경기장

많이 기대해주세요!

credit: beastofficial youtube
Own: CUBE Entertainment

KYAAAA!!! Yang Yoseob! okay, that's cute...
what's make me love B2ST is...they're really appreciate their fans and always give a big surprise to all B2UTY!

and one more thing, i need to have this tee!!!!

B2ST FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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