Sunday, April 01, 2012

Eating Durian On the road :)

Mommy is visiting me!
Daddy is visiting me!
Sisters is visiting me!
Kiddo huh?? Yeah...
i'm love this part..Family visit and SHOPPING! LOL!
okay, mom and dad come yesterday (31st March)
we eat in my college first..YUM! Nasi Impit! Like it!
Lots food and things mom bring to me..and and the new "sambal gila"!!! :)
Then, we hang out at Pekan Bahau to shop some new clothes and things...
(i'm getting one..thanks Angah for the baju kurung)
and we walk and walk, then...we found a Durian stall..
the Durian quite expensive because it is SMALL and 1KG=RM15...
since mom so craving on Durian...Dad give us treat! ^^
the best fruit ever!
and you know guys, this is the most happiest moments when they come seeing me...
yeah, some tears fall down when they're gonna back to JB....just like want to wish all the time to be rewind..
but can't?? T.T
Yeah!!! I'm Happy!!!!
Thanks Mak and Abah for visiting and spend your time with me..Promise that i will study hard and get good result..Love you!
Dear sisters, thanks for having fun and spend your time with me...
wait for another 3 weeks and i'm come back to JB!!!
Love you guys!!! Mmmmuuuuuaaaahhhh!!!

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