Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i'm SICK!

oh my GOD...only ALLAH know how much pain i feel.....
headache, the hard-breath and coughing...that's made me feel so hurt...
my nose is continuous draining and feeling my tonsils is getting swollen...
my body, sometimes it's okay, sometimes it's getting over temperature...
it made me can't sleep...and i think after taking medications for few minutes...i feel much better...
after a few hours, it's getting hurts back...yeah, i caught fever since i followed the KURSUS...
and it's back after i'm getting my SPM result....

another one...
yeah, being an ADULT is hard...for me, a human who is just born to the screen age girl...
it's hard for me to face it...lots things need to be first and fast as i can...
i miss become a high school student...being a kid is FUN...there's no things that should need to think...play and so on...
mostly, STUDIES.....
yeah, my sisters is true...it's not easy becoming AN ADULT...

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