Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kursus Asuhan Kanak2 Malaysia (7mac-26mac)

hahaha~~ it's FUN....and people said, i got package having a 'kid' face...
hahahaha!! is it true??? 
even my sis said, "you're like yoseobie...kids like you, but you don't know how to like kids"
hahahaha!!! anyway, this KURSUS is FUN!!! ^^
here some pict when the AMALI TEST is on....taking picture is prohibited...but, I DON'T CARE E E E E E~~~
thats all the toddler i met who really made me have a fun...yeah, sometimes toddler are cute...sometimes, they're made me sick! but, i love them...and it's nice to meet them...KIDS, let's meet again! ^^

okay, this girl is ANGAH...i don't know her actual name..so that, i just call her ANGAH!!! she's 4y/o.....she's the one who really hard to get along...she love to kept herself under the table..you know what, there's lots of way i tried to make her comfortable with..until, i getting in below the table and play with me...LOL!!! pengasuh dia pon tergelak sbb aku boleh wat mcm tu...kekekeke...but, have a nice day with her!

okay, this girl...her name is SERI...but, you need to call her POTPOT...hahaha!! i dunno why her mum call her like that...ok, forget bout it...she is 2 years 6 month...she love to lay on me..for the first time jumpa dia, dia da bleh get along..and after finish my 1st test...dia tetibe grab aku and hug me..that's make me..SHOCK!...she didn't get scare on me..WOW! and she is cute...she keeps being my side...smpi tidur pon on my laps..minum botol susu pon nak ngan aku..dia sgt manja..i love her! she's AWESOME!!!! she's clever! my 2nd amali toddler...

okay, ini KAKAK...dia x bgthu nama dia langsung...just call her, KAKAK...she is 3 y/o....she's clever....she love to play puzzle...hmmm, she's lso hardly to get along..but, in my effort..i caught her heart and she want to play with me...she didn't talk a lot..she's a nice and good girl..my 3rd amali toddler...

ini AREP...ha! don't play ENGLISH with him...he can speaking...WOW! the 4 years can speak english so good...hahaha...mak dia cgu english...everything in english...such: 'Aunty! i want to play!, Aunty! it's square! circle! oval!, Aunty, he grab my ball!' OMG! terkujut ble dgr...hahahaha!! and me just kept reply, "Good job AREP! do it again~ , no...he just borrow your ball...let's share"...naseb la x tergeliat lidah ni... my 3rd amali toddler...he's the most handsome boy...

ini raqib! ^^ hahaha!! HANDSOME BABY..kekekeke...1 y/o....hahaha...mula2 ssh nak amik hati bdk ni...then, just take a few pict of him..play with him...he suddenly grab my shirt! WOW! seronok giler ble bdk ni da start ske..ske gile mai n dgn dia..he's matured and easily getting shy..kekekeke..kahkahkah! he's handsome boy... my 3rd amali toddler...

this kid....he's kept being with me...in one day, he's always melekat at me...everywhere i go...he's easily get along....he's cute, clever and good boy...he is ALIF....he's 4 years old...he love to reading books and play puzzle.... 

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