Monday, April 25, 2011

Experience-My First Interview

Okay, my first brand new experience in my whole life since I have lived for 17years...i didn't even experienced how the environment of interview~~ so then, now is the time i want to shared my experience~

Place: UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru
Time: 2.00 pm
Course: TESL Foundation (Interview)
Date: 16 April 2011

Okay, i need to go to the interview at 16th, i received a message which tell me that i've chosen to attend an interview for TESL Foundation at UiTM~ then, i'm checking online my name on the portal and I did it! ^^
So that, i told my parent and they  agreed with me to trying out this interview...kalau ada rezeki...apa salahnya mencuba?
I decide to try on it~~

Me and Marina, we both got chosen for the, she was going with me and going to interview in the same time...

Okay, now the situation when we arrived infront the gate of UiTM Larkin...
in my deep heart said "
Mak oi! Ramai nyer yg dtg....Giler siot!!!! Kecut gua~~ Mampos~~"

at that time, my nerve got strain too tightly and i'm become too nervous because there's a lot of SPM-leavers who tking the interview...For your information, that day...There's a lot of interview course~~ So, my worried better calm~~~
I feeling okay until the clock is ticking to 2.00pm~
I'm being like crazy in the crowded~~ finding where should i take the attendance~
so, me and marina entered to the study hall and the instructor told us to have a writing test~~
Yanno, i'm kinda blurred that time~~ so, my eyes just like this ---> =,=

LOL!!! i'll getting sleepy if i feeling too nervous~ 

Alright, after we finish an hour for the writing test.....we have been split to 2 and marina has been in a group and be placed at PANEL 2~~ so, my name is no. 22 and Marina is no. 12....kekeke~~ we can't get to interview in the same time...
and we meet a lots of friends just because of that Marina and I is 'kepohchie and Joyah'~~ LOLLS!!!

we having a chatting with others candidates...and meet just like we friends...
What funny is, there's a boy who's standing beside me...and the phone is ringing '
Munjjahwassyo! Munjjahwassyo!' The Gil Ra Im's message tone....i thought that's my phone!!! GAH!! i'm was startled like hell dan kabut la...rupa-rupanya, phone bdk ni~~  SABOR JE LAH~~~

yanno, we're just laughing like dead because we thought only girls will use that tone!!!~ LOL!!!!

and after a moment, i heard someone called me~ and the person just right beside me...a girl who ask me, "suka B2ST eh?"...i'm just shut because a sudden attack...and i just answered "oh? oh~~ yup2! saya suka B2ST...." dengan kepohnyer aku tanya "Suka jgk ke???"...dia pon jwb "kita ske ****..B2ST x semua..kite ske GK jer~" Dalam hati aku ni pon ckp la 'apa kelas minat ****??" Yang kelakar, Marina pon ckp mcm tu~ (poyo an?? x nak ckp group tu..takot kene BASHED, habis~~) "Ooooo, minat Gikwang jer~~~" i'm answered~ 
Then, i ask her "Macam mane thu?" and she replied that she looked at my phone wallpaper there's Yoon Dujun~~ Alright then, Jjajatdda!! ^^

Okay, finish that part..yeah, all over KPOP lover~~ kekeke~~~
Then, there's Marina's turn....LOL!!! She has been group with a bunch of ARROGANT STUDENT...she feel like HELL!!!~ LOLS!! But, she did a good job...
and now, my turn...i passed my original and copy documents to the interviewers...
i've been in a group with the humble and over-confident one~~~ a humble girl who didn't get chance to speak first and the arrogant one who always want to speak first and GRAB MY IDEA!!!!! okay, competition~~ URGH! Benci budak tu... =.='''

then, they ask a lot..i can't remember..but, what i can't forget this 2 question:
Q1:How you made your teaching looks interested in first time and so on??
A: I'll teach them through musics, movies,games and books..
A: Gives a simple lyrics of Malay song and told them to translate it. Besides, made a couple of group and do a games 'train words'...Give a letter such as 'L', say a words starting with the letter given and need to continue each person..who answered less than 3 second, their group lose~

(Thanks to Oh My School games, giving me an idea to answered like this!! ^^)
Q2: Can you state about the news these days that affect you???
A: About hits on JAPAN and Nuclear Radiation...What's make affect me, i'm very sympathy with the netizens  who got lose their belongings,family and other. Besides, the nuclear radiation give me the difficulty for fisherman and _____(that time, i suddenly forgot 'petani' in ENGLISH, haru biru!! boleh pulak~~ terdiam kejap....then,) umm, to go on their business...

Mcm ape kan takot dia...Gelabah cheq! KITA BAKOR! BAKOR!!
and it's ended just like that~~ there's also question that what is your favorite colour and why you choose it? who is your favorite author and why? i'm just answered like hell! kekeke~~ but, i think it's the most honest answer that i have done~ LOL!!! and the interview ended...Alhamdulillah~ What a relief!!!!!!~

Me and Marina run off to my sis and we go find food to somewhere~ 

so, that;s my first experience going to'll goes smoothly if you manage your things and your plan wisely~~ Be patient is the key, TRYING ad CONFIDENT is important~~ By the way, Thanks to my 3rd sister Nur Farhana Jaafar who sent us to this interview and wait me for a whole day!!~ >.<
Okay, i'm sleepy now~ i think i've wrote so much~ kekeke~~ 

Thanks for read!! ^^

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