Sunday, April 24, 2011

My status and tweets for today...

Okay, recently i always kept online and i need to stay up all night~
So, there's a lots of my status and tweets is written in a long line...lots of thought that i kept in my mind...has been that, i just want to share some...some of my unstable thinking and my craze~~ kekekeke~~~

  • Berkurun lama kot aku tunggu barang aku sampai~
    Jangan sampai star name tag yang smpi dulu baru lah barang nak sampai~
    Haish~~ Cepat ar smpi...before JUMAAT!!!
  • Okay, i have used Stupid Liar as my Call Me Tones...
    TONIGHT as the ringtone and Love Song as the message tone~~~
    Why i'm choosing these songs? because I am VIP!!!! ^^
    I'm fine, Thank You and You???
  • i stop with my diet last week~~
    so tomorrow, is the day to start over! ^^
    Yoga pose,rope-jump,sit-up and push-up!~
    and i followed with my DAD's diet..
    Low salt, Low fat and Diabetic food~~ =.=
  • i just get an idea...if i got a chance to meet Beast~
    What kind of gift should i prepared for them???
    First of all, T-SHIRT is the main choice..
    and extra gift for Yoon Dujun, DOMO's pillow with soccer ball!~ kekeke~~ Because he really like to show off his wide mouth just like DOMO~ and he's soccer mania~ kekekekeke~~ ^^ LOLLSS!!!
  • i trying to get used with @ diet plan...just watch people eating and ask them how the texture and the taste T^T... It's work~ ^^
  • my eyes~~~ =.=
  • LOL!! @ want to be trending~ kekekeke~~ 
  • Now, i don't know why i'm crazy about DOMO's stuff~ ♥ It's not cute at all~~ I like it because DOMO's is FLUFFY~ ♥♥♥ Yoon Dujun~~ ♥
  • Don't make your parent mad with you~ It's hurt you so much~
  • Okay, i'm staying at hospital for 3 days... taking care of my dad... Dad's operation has been successfully he's okay...^^ Alhamdulillah~~~ ♥
  • i kept avoiding myself from stresses~ it's make my life much happier!~ ^^
  • okay, it's been 3 weeks i din't eat rice or any carbohydrate and DINNER!~ i lose my weight and i feel more healthy~ i can't get easily tired
  • is it wrong become the Bieber HATERS??!!! ske hati aku la!!!!
  • nurse kept checking dad's sugar level...and it's improved~ also his blood pressure~ It's glad to hear that! ^^
  • Doojoon likes girls who have a simple personality and are not fussy. "She can complain once in a while...
  • LOL! i'm reading B2ST SCENARIO.. and it's so sweet of @ ~~~ ^^ such, lots of skinship..calling 'baby'...cute and funny~ kekeke~~ ^^
  • Skinship is important in any relationship~ ^^
  • i like the words at B2ST SCENARIO when on a date at the movies with Yoon Dujun..kekekeke~~
    Dujun: "Don't worry~ If it's scary, i'm here."
    OMG!!! That's so sweet~~ ^^
  • DUJUNISM~~~~ ♥♥♥ Dujun+Nadia=Duna or Junna??? Weird!!!! LOL!!!!!
  • my stomach is grumbling~~ HUNGRY!!!! =.=
  • i'm watching @ episode 19, and kekekeke~~ @ was so hillarious!!!~ Unnie, you're so cute~~ ^^
  • Good Morning!!!! ^^ Now, i'm at hospital... the nurses is been checking-up my dad and need to dressing his toe...
  • Hi-yeom! ^^ Now at hospital..accompany my daddy~~ i has manicured his nail..LOL!!! now my turn to manicured myself~~ ^^
  • WOW! My nails is shining~~ ^^
  • i kept think...yeah!  BlockB-WannaB
  • Dujun says that if he had a girlfriend, he would take her to the fifa soccer world cup... ^^ ♥♥♥
  • 피곤해~~ 피곤해~~ 피곤해~~
  • Please don't do something that made yourself harm....
    Don't do such a stupid things....Remember Allah...
    What happen at my surrounding today, teach me how to control myself...
  • Watching Oh My School~~ kekekeke~~ @ is too jealous to @ ... Yeah~~ Main Vocalist and 3rd place! ^^
  • Okay, gotta lots of chores need to done... and after 9am or 11am, i'm going to hospital... Abah, FIGHTING!!! Get well soon! ^^
  • Okay, got to revise my paper...tomorrow is d-day! EXAM!!! i'm quite hate it....Wish me luck! ^^ Bye-yeom!!

Okay, that's just what i can share and definitely you will be annoyed with this...
Thanks for reading! ^^

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