Thursday, December 08, 2011

Deja Vu in whole entire day..

hehehehe~ from the title, you guys must be remembered SS501's songs aaight??

hahahaha! no lah~ Deja Vu is some kind of experienced that you have feel before that kind of situation happen...hmm~ actually today, MY DAY IS FULLED OF DEJA VU.....

okay the first one, maybe today i'm doing something kinda childish..hehehehe~
i'm starting change my place in lab..this what i have in my dream yesterday..okay, maybe people sometimes feel that i'm having a fight with...but, to those who know I mention about..the answer is, the first start is that..left me alone being at that side just like what i have dream yesterday...then i kept thinking twice and twice about my i should change my place or not? and the dream and i dream about is change the, i kept think and think....yes! i made to change my place...i can't stand anymore..facing me and let me alone like a 'tunggul' there...
yeah, maybe a long time ago we kept being together all over and one time we're not being together...that's doesn't mean that we have A FIGHT...aaight? just misunderstoodedoded...i'm trying to get better in this friendship..i gave all type in alternative...but, i'm being ignored~ such a feeling....humiliating!!
and i don't mind if they want to kept think that i'm "sulking"..but fyi, i'm not...
that just some problem made us being like this and that's has been written by ALLAH that's our 'good' friendship will not last longer and only hold for 8 months ago...i accept it...mybe bla bla bla want to be friend with much better person than me..and have found a better person that me who is much prettier,understanding and smarter than's okay..i accept it....i understand..i know that you never feel what i felt now~ that's what i have been through, i'm used to it..i'm used to be ignored by others when you want to be good to them...
I'm trying to change back those time, but....keep ignore and i can't stand anymore...i'm tired being 'a hypocrite'
and also, i can't stand anymore with other behaviour...yeah, already 'makan hati' for several months ago..6 month! who's stand??? looking down to me and being so cruel to me without any hesitation..psyco-ing me..WTF!..and now, i need to be more 'hati kering' people will never getting over me anymore..even i'll look cruel, like i care...that's enough! i'm tired taking care others feeling...why should i taking care others feeling but they didn't taking care my feeling?????? i'm in pain, but they happy with what they're feel...i'll never let it anymore..i'm SICK of it..thank you...
just like what i feel with my, i made up my decision...even, it's so 'obviously' i'm doing that..i think that's the best...and i'm still trying to have a good conversation...but, kept being ignored...T.T
what's should we do if only a one side apology?????
and sometime, i'm kinda sad with this situation..i become tired keep falling down tears because of this....people keep ask me did i have a fight..tu, being more hard and be strong is one of the solution...
and thanks to my practicum's mates especially nisa,qilah,aina and bella who want to hear my inside deep hurt heart ni...and i already explain to them...sometimes, i think i'm talk behind and kinda have MENTAL problem...but, what's i have keep it..i've shared to them..and feel more comfortable...just didn't believe this kind of situation will happen~ 
and thanks to my besties SENGKUANG and EYRA who always give me advice and live me up for go through this kind of situation...
But, that's dad has told me "kalau orang itu ada buat kita marah atau berkecil hati, kita haruslah sentiasa memaafkan dia dan kita juga harus meminta maaf kerana hidup kita akan lebih tenang dan tenteram."

Awak, Saya sentiasa memaafkan awak  even awak tak ada buat salah dengan saya dan Jika saya ada membuat kesilapan dengan awak, berkecil hati dengan saya atau apa jua sekali menyentuh hati awak dan saya harap awak maafkan saya..

okay the second one..about my promotion presentation...YA ALLAH....thanks to group 5 (ASMA,NISA,SHIDA,KAK LONG) who's successfully done the presentation nicely...sorry to say that this is our redo presentation because we failed to done the task at the first time...and without any practices...we go through the presentation and i'm having a quite stuttering during my parts...yeah~ ALHAMDULILLAH we make it...and all the situation here also in my DREAM yesterday...i don't know why...maybe this is what we call 'rezeki ALLAH'.....without expectation i ask audiene to come infront and take a look...yeah~ run smoothly and i know our leader group must be so mad with us because we didn't make any practice...SORRY LEADER! ^^V

and the third one is, during BIOLOGY TUTORIAL's not totally the same as i drea about...but some of the parts is same! OH MY! until i'm writing this entry...i feel so WOW! this kind of situation have never been happen in my life....A WHOLE DAY DEJA VU! especially when teacher ask the blue green algae i say as cynobacteria and it's actually chlorophyta....kekekeke~~~

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