Saturday, December 03, 2011


AKU...I'm a person who easily get along with someone called 'friend'...if i have spent a long time together and get close each other, i'll treat them nicely as long as i can...but now, a kind of situation has been goes to me...typical one...
I'm started to feel being left behind..maybe people say i'm so not open-minded...but, that's reality..i can't express my feel's private..i dun care if my friend want to befriend with others...bcoz that's human rights...
but, this kind of situation give me a really painful heart...since, this is my second time having this kind of problem..
i'm trying to adapt it~ left me ALONE and being ignore+left behind....that's really made me really really hurt...

Yesterday, i ask my roommate about this...
Betul cakap Zima...kalau member tu dah lupakan kte bila dia dpt rakan baru...kte lupakan je dia...just forget it..
x pyh nak mengharap sbb hal ni akan mkn diri kita sendiri...buat hidup kita more suffering...
Based on her experienced, that can cause a disaster in her studies...
thinks about that too much, make her down and always think about this problem...
nasib baik bende ni happen before UPS...Kalau time UPS, tak ke haru biru hidup aku??
and she says, not only that person will be your friends, i have know his/her true colour...even dia has no sense of humour or tak perasan apa yang aku rasakan...just, please feel it!

for your information, i'm not being HICPOCRIT! I just don't want to hurt you with my words is harsh..that's all! and don't say like that bcause once i have FACE-TO-FACE with you...You may have the big impact..Aku tak nak wat masalah+wat dosa kering(sakitkan hati org)..
Thank you...

i've made my mind now....even sometimes, i'm kinda scary making a new friend...but that's okay...i'll find carefully next time..and i'll be not being so close together...and i'll be more and more careful..
this is what we call 'colours' in your life...why didn't i should get the better one??? mybe...this is my destiny..i believe that..
it's better reveals now before it'll be going late....i'm so thankful....
so, just enjoy your own life and do as usual...
Kawan kan ade banyak...beribu-ribu...i'll take this as a lesson in my life...

what's a true friends all about..
and thanks roommate for that advice! Peace! V^^V

and my best chingu-deul, I LOVE YOU and so MISS YOU GUYS !!! you're the only friends that's understand me whenever i'm in trouble or not..that's a TRUE FRIEND all about...

To Ira, Ida, Hana and Nisa....I love you all my friend~ 

To ira, you always support, understand me and help me any kind of situation...
To ida, you always make my life be more cheer and colorful...
To hana, you always be my me in anything that i want..and give me spirit in life...
To nisa, you always give me advice to be a better person and light up my spirit to be more better...

You guys always help and support me in any kind of situations that I had been through...i only have you guys~
You always be with me~ Thank you guys, i really appreciate it....^^

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