Saturday, February 25, 2012

Running Man S3AP3+birthday party (24 February 2012)

Hi-yeom! like i'm promising, yay! it's run smoothly..
the chasing GAME! Running Man S3AP3!!!

(logo yang agak buruk yer)

The Mastermind: Faiz, Aare
The Mission Group: Aare,Aina,Qilah,Asma,Hafiz,Ryan,Z,Kak Long,Mas,Alin,Aiqa,Fatin
The Running Group: Faiz,Nisa,Shida,Bella,Balong
The Crew: Farah, Sha
Mission Target: Nisa and Shida

haha! first, on 23rd feb, we're doing our preparation by  letting others study about "RUNNING MAN"..
okay, they're watching  "RUNNING MAN" to know more about the rules and how to play..
see, how focus they're..

 (kalau STUDY korang focus cam gini, mesti cikgu bangga bhai!)

then, they're aggreing to play..

Next day, they're commanded to arrived at Cafe D sharp at 5pm...all the nametags is given...
so, after that..the game is started! Chasing all over around like a mad...The running group success to catch 10 out of 12, in planning, we need to catch only  10 person bcoz of the birthday party..
The mission group success to find their clue...
On the way that the Mission targets going to chase Z, in that time all the mission group players psycho-ing them by showing the red plastic bag to the that time, bella and i throw them a bag red plastic beg that having the flour inside...bhahahaha!!! padan muka korang!
Then, the party begin!
the players is given 2 eggs each person to throw to the target....
the target have given lots of tortured and the have been thrown a lots of eggs and flour..
after finishing them, i'm as their friend....i'm giving them a big bottle of water and thrown it to them...
basah kuyup diorang ni mak jem...
then, after finishing our target...all of them throwing each other and play it together..
macam budak kecik dah mak cik tgk nak~ hahaha!!
ade yg kene telur la, kene tepung la...mcm2~ siap tergolek pon ade~~
we're having a nice day and enjoying our day...It's fun and a great moment for us! ^^V

(Running Man S3AP3)

 (Mission Group)

 (Running Group)

 (The Mastermind)

 (Target 1: Shida)
(Target 2: Nisa)
(The crew)

After the party, cleaning session!

(pertandingan sape minum paling macho)
(pertandingan sape minum paling macho)

(lek shida, excited smpi nak tergolek)

(tak yah nak nyanyi sgt la kan)

 (RYANvatar a.k.a Gwangsoo tolong mencuci yer~)

(dua org assistant yang cekap! Bella and Aina! ^^)

(play again????)

Thank you for all the cooperation guys! hope can do it again!
Peeps! Thanks for reading! ^^

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